Stoic Events – Terms and Conditions
“The Organiser” – Stoic Events Company Ltd
“The Event” – Stoic Events Event that you have entered.
“The Participant” – Individual(s) who wish to enter or have entered The Event via the on-line booking section of the website or via a corporate booking.1. Conditions of Entry
By completing the designated entry process participants are agreeing to abide by the following terms and conditions.
2. Completion of Entry process
It is the Participant’s responsibility to provide accurate and truthful information when completing the entry process, any errors in data entered is the responsibility of the Participant.
If at any point the organiser discovers that the Participant has provided false or inaccurate personal information, or that the information provided means that the participant is ineligible to participate in the Event the organiser reserves the right to refuse entry or disqualify the Participant, without any refund of the entry fee or administration fee.
3. Payment
Each Participant is required to pay the entry fee in full, along with any administration fees which may apply at the time of entry.
Once payment is received and entry is confirmed, the fee is non-refundable other than as set out in section 5 below.
Administration fees are non-refundable in all circumstances.
4. Confirmation of entry
Entry to the event is confirmed by email to the email address provided by the Participant only upon completion of the entry process.
5. Participant’s withdrawal policy & refunds
If the Participant wishes to withdraw from the Event, they must do so by informing the Organiser in writing by email to info@stoicevents.co.uk. The email subject title must be “WITHDRAWAL”. No other method of withdrawal is accepted by the Organiser. Providing the withdrawal notice is provided within the applicable time limits the Organiser will confirm the withdrawal by email to the Participant within 5 working days.
Withdrawing from the Event is irrevocable; if notice of withdrawal is given under this section then the Organiser will remove the Participant’s name from its start lists and other official documentation, whether or not the entry fee has been refunded in full, in part or not at all. We understand very occasionally it may be necessary for you to withdraw. For the good of all competitors our transfer & withdrawal policy below is strictly adhered to and no exceptions are made for illness, injury or pregnancy.
- Entry Fees are non refundable
- Notification over 56 days before event date – 50% of your fee will be issued to you as a credit minus any admin fees to send you the credit note. Valid for 12 months.
- Notification 56 days and less before an event date – we operate a strict no refund policy, however, a transfer to another event is available.
Participant hereby acknowledges and agrees that any refund that may be due will be payable by the Organiser and that all payments must be made in full no later than 29 days before the event date.
6. Joining Instructions
All participants will receive detailed joining instructions that include packing lists, key information on the event location and also important information regarding medical and emergency procedures. By registering for an event or agreeing to participate in an event the participant agrees to following the details in the joining instructions.
7. Photography
The Organiser has the right to use images, photographs and video taken by their contracted photographers and employees at the Event without informing the Participant. These images will only be used for the purposes of promoting, reporting and broadcasting the event, and any other promotion related to the business activities of the Organiser.
Any individual who does not wish to have their image used by the organiser for these purposes must inform the organiser via email no later than one week prior to the event. Notification closer to, or after the Event can be made and the organiser will use its best endeavours to prevent images of that individual being used but cannot guarantee it.
8. Event Rules
It is the Participant’s responsibility to know and abide by the rules, and to ensure their equipment and its use complies with the rules set out by the event directing staff. All participants agree to follow all safety rules/advice given by the event staff and also agree to act in a safe manner. The event staff reserve the right to remove a participant from an event or activity if they feel they are a safety hazard to themselves or others.
Where cut-off times apply, the Organiser reserves the right to remove Participants that do not meet those times or have, in their opinion, no realistic chance of meeting those times. In this situation no refund will be made to the Participant. If a participant is removed from the event due to injury, lack of ability to proceed, physical fatigue or for failing an activity no refund will be made to the participant.
9. Event Changes
The Organiser reserves the right to change or amend any details relating to the Event at its sole discretion due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including by way of changing activities, location, and timings. This includes the right to alter start times etc.
10. Event Cancellation
If the Event is cancelled for reasons beyond the organisers control, including without limitation fire, storm, act of terrorism, “act of god”, serious medical incident, then the Participant will not be entitled to any refund or compensation of other losses and any refund that the Organiser decides to make will be within the absolute discretion of the Organiser.
11. Liability
Participation in the Event is at the Participant’s own risk. The Participant irrevocably agrees to hold harmless, indemnify and reimburse the Organiser from and for any sum, costs or expenses (including legal and professional fees) incurred, payable or paid by the Organiser to any person (including the Participant and/or any of the Participant’s insurers) in connection with any accident, loss, damage or injury (including death) arising out of the Participant’s attendance at and participation in the Event or any part thereof (except where any such injury or death is caused by the negligence of the Organiser or any of its employees) and the Organiser’s liability to the participant is excluded to the fullest extent permissible by law.
Other than as stated below, the Organiser shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense arising from an event of Force Majeure.
The Organiser, its staff, agents or contractors shall not be liable for indirect or consequential loss or damage.
Whilst the Organiser takes every care with staging the event, the Participant acknowledges that personal accident and personal items insurance is his/her sole responsibility. The Organiser shall not be liable to the participant for any loss or damage of or to personal equipment belonging to the participant, or any indirect or consequential loss or damage whatsoever arising out of the participant taking part in the Event; or for any loss of business; revenue or profit; loss of reputation; anticipated savings or wasted expenditure; pledges made on your behalf or by you to charity.
The Organiser will not be liable for any actions of any spectators or other third parties.
12. Medical Conditions & Information
All Participants are required to provide emergency contact details as part of the entry process, and to disclose any known medical conditions to the Organiser. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry and not to provide a refund, if a Participant fails to provide this information or the information provided is known to be false.
It is the Participant’s responsibility to ensure they have the right level of physical ability to complete the Event. If you know or are concerned that you have a medical condition which might interfere with your safe participation in the Event, before you enter you should seek advice from a relevant medical professional and follow that advice. Please see our Health Commitment Statement for more advice (below).
The Event involves physical and mental activities. You must be satisfied that you are sufficiently Healthy and well prepared to take on the relevant activities and that there are no current or historical medical conditions which would, or should, or might, reasonably preclude your participation. If in any doubt you must consult your Doctor before completing the Registration Form.
You must declare any significant health conditions, or serious allergies to the Organiser should your medical condition significantly change, or deteriorate, prior to the Event.
You accept and agree that you will not arrive at the Event to take part unless you are well enough to do so, or if you are displaying any symptoms of any disease or infection that could reasonably be assumed to be of a danger to others associated with the Event. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry to the Event, or a venue that’s part of the Event, if in the professional opinion of its medical team, a Participant, or any other person, is not sufficiently well and healthy.
On the date of the Event you must be 18 or older to participate. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Organiser. Those aged 16 years old or under must be accompanied by an adult whilst on the Event, who also needs to be a Participant.
You will act responsibly, honestly and legally at all times in respect of your participation in the Event and will not bring through your actions the Event, the Organiser, and if applicable the Charity into disrepute.
You participate within the Event entirely at your own risk, and You understand and accept that participation within outdoor events involves inherent risks of injury, accidents, exhaustion, exposure to inclement weather conditions, potentially getting lost, and exposure to other participants and third parties.
13. Collection & use of data
The Participant agrees and consents to The Organiser using his/her personal details provided in his/her Online Registration Form or otherwise and for the following purposes:
Event administration
(a) The Organiser requires a record of each Participant’s registration details including third party emergency contact details for internal administration purposes in order to properly conduct and to safely administer the Event.
(b) The Participant agrees to receive emails from Stoic Events containing event information and event updates before and after the event.
(c) The Organiser will also keep records of medical information provided that it is kept confidential and may be shared only with medical personnel or teams allocated to the Event. Such information shall be deleted within a reasonable time following the completion of the Event unless the participant agrees that the Organiser may use such information in relation to future events organised by the Organiser which are staged within a reasonable timeframe thereafter.
E-mail/SMS communications
(a) The Organiser will use the Participant’s contact data submitted on the Online Registration Form or otherwise to send the Participant information by e-mail and/or SMS relating to the Event, other events and any further categories of news and promotional information as the Participant may have requested on the Online Registration Form.
(b) The Participant acknowledges and agrees that the Organiser may send an e-mail or SMS notification following the Event inviting the Participant to submit or renew his/her registration for any future Organiser events.
(c) The Participant accepts that the Event’s appointed photography partner will be able to email them post event regarding the purchase of participant photos from the event.
All participant data will be managed and stored securely in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
Health commitment statement
Your health is your responsibility. The Organiser is dedicated to helping you take every opportunity to enjoy your participation in the Events safely. With this in mind, we have carefully considered what we can reasonably expect of each other.
Our commitment to you
We will respect your personal decisions and allow you to make your own decisions about what exercise you can carry out. However, we ask you not to exercise beyond what you consider to be your own abilities.
We will make every reasonable effort to make sure the Event is organised to accepted safe operational standards for you to enjoy.
We will make all reasonable steps to ensure first aid is available at the Event to an industry standard.
If you tell us you have a disability which puts you at a substantial disadvantage in accessing our event, we will consider what adjustments, if any, are reasonable for us to make.
Your commitment to us
You should not exercise beyond your own abilities. If you know or are concerned that you have a medical condition which might interfere with your safe participation in the Event, before you enter you should seek advice from a relevant medical professional and follow that advice.
It is the decision of the Participant, not the Organiser, to determine whether he or she is fit enough to participate in the Event. If the Participant is in any doubt, they should seek medical advice. It is up to the Participant where to seek that medical advice.
You should let us know immediately, if you feel unwell whilst participating in the Events. Our staff are not qualified Doctors, but there will be first aid provision in attendance at the Events.
If you have a disability, you must follow any reasonable instructions to allow you to complete our event safely.
This Health Commitment Statement sets the standards that the Organiser and the Participant can reasonably expect from each other in regard to the health of the participant.
How long are you going to wait before you start demanding the best
for yourself?